V003: House Tour

20-JAN-12 | Take a tour of our house in Uvita. Be sure to check out the hammock, the refrigerator, and the dinosaur bed sheets. We found this house on the Costa Rican Craigslist site, so it was sort of like shopping for an apartment in Chicago!

Hanging Out

Ashley reading her book.


V002: The Journey

18-JAN-12 | We traveled from St. Louis to Chicago to Ft. Lauderdale to Uvita. Here’s a little something to help you feel like you were with us! Sorry it’s a little dark at the beginning.

Casa de Tyshman

An outside shot of our house.


Arrival in Costa Rica

After 16 hours of traveling, we have arrived in Uvita, Costa Rica. We did not get to our house until after dark and on 2 hours of sleep, so we have not done much exploring yet. Stay tuned.