V012: Walk Home from The Flutterby House

22-JAN-12 | After spending an evening meeting people at The Flutterby House, we walk home in the dark.

V011: Opening The Coconut

26-JAN-12 | Our neighbors help us open our coconut.

V010: We’ve Got Crabs

21-JAN-12 | Short video of a crab on the Whale Tail.

Friday, Jan 27, 2012


domestic goddess

at the house

at the house

flutterby house

flutterby house

mas cerveza

mas cerveza

V009: Uvita’s Whale Tail

21-JAN-12 | We take a trip to the famous Whale Tail in Uvita, Costa Rica.


Here is an aerial photo of the Whale Tail.

Whale Tail