
Ashley’s first coconut.

7 thoughts on “Coconuts

  1. Kari says:

    How are you going to crack that baby open??

  2. Kari says:

    Also…did you pick it yourselves!? 🙂

  3. Ashley says:

    We found it coming home from our run this morning already fallen from the tree – but they’re everywhere! Not sure how to crack it yet, but I’m sure that will be a photo and possibly a video.

  4. Mom says:

    I saw one opened once and the furry part, that we normally see, is the next layer inside.

  5. Katie says:

    My friend had one in Belize and they just sliced the top off with a machete – she said it’s way better than coconut you buy in the States! Hope you have straws!!!!

  6. J says:

    i see pina coladas in your future!

  7. Patricia S says:

    Have you seen any of the ash from Turrialba Volcano that I read about in the paper?

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