V015: La Feria de San Isidro

2-FEB-12 | We took a trip to the farmer’s market in San Isidro.

7 thoughts on “V015: La Feria de San Isidro

  1. Mom says:

    Miss Ashley you have missed your calling…. you should be hosting a cooking or shopping show, your hand motions from the bug spray to the produce were perfect.

  2. Vicente says:

    Pollo! El farmermercado!

    More pollo!

    Muy bien,

  3. Aunt Dixie says:

    Ashley, you also look like you’re losing weight – all that walking? You look fabulous, darling! Love you

  4. Kari says:

    Going to farmers markets in other countries is my absolute favorite thing to do!! Such great people watching and interesting items. Your produce looks great…especially those fresh pineapples!

    BTW…when you were listing off all of the fruits and veggies you bought I was waiting for you to end with “and a partridge in a pear tree!” hehe!

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